Correction of the article

Dear participants of the conference!

Use the form on this page to send the corrected/modified version of the article.

The name of the file with the text of the article is named after the surname of the first author, indicating the section number, the word “correction” is indicated in parentheses. For example, “Section_1_Ivanov_AA_(correction).docx».

The file name is Section_ №_LastNamile_Initials_(correction).docx

We kindly ask you to send articles only through this form, and not by a simple letter, and also correctly name the file with the article!

* поля, отмеченные этим символом, обязательны для заполнения

Информация об ответственном авторе

Информация о статье

Разрешенные типы файлов: doc, docx.
Максимальный размер файла: 10mb.
